2011년 2월 9일 수요일

"에브리타운" by 네이트 앱스토어

요즘 내 일상을 상당부분 차지하고 있는
중독성이 쩐다!

아직 베타라 운영이 좀 더 나아질거라 기대하며
오늘도 쭉 열렙을 ...... ㅋ_ㅋ

2010년 12월 10일 금요일

Festival Of France

It is always said France is the nation of a festival atmosphere.
Over 500 festivals are held all places annually in France.
Especially, summer is the best season to be held the festivals.
The festivals are held a little different days,
 however, they take place
every year similarly.
The numberless and various events make us
exciting in a French trip.
The French festivals are based on Christianity.

I felt the most impressive right lemon festival festival!!
I think this festival is so nice and Fresh ^^

Funny ! kkkk ~

I can not believe ! wow.. ;;

You're right that Pinocchio
Hello, what's up ? kkk

It is fantastic !Like a fairy tale picture..

There is a big festival being held in Mangtong, France, in February,
it is just the Lemon Festival!!
which is exployed with diversity a long with a great march with many oranges and lemons.

This festival was begun in 1934 and opened 72 times this year,
 all people regardless of male, female, old person, and young person!
 because it express heros in fairy tales with lemons and oranges.

 In last 2001, the Pinikio was selected as a theme, the march of a golden parade expressed the advanture of Pinokio was established, and a tremendous shape of a lemon decoration as long as 8 m height was introduced.

 The farmers of lemons can take a peak season for the plants and devote themselves to produce better quality lemons because this festival usually needs the oranges and lemons of as much as 130 tons.

In the sense, the lemon festival being held at the beach of the Mediterranean will offer good memories to all people who want to take a fresh experience.

Food Of France

You can enjoy only restaurants in Paris. It's easy to enjoy traditional dishes at a bistro.
You can even enjoy many kinks of wines with good quality.
There is other famous one like wine. It's cheeze.
French said it's more tasty to have both wine and cheeze. Maybe It can't be Korean's appetite, but it'll be good expereance to try it once.

Restaurants!! Looks like great..^^

In France, cheese and wine, usually sold on the street
This is food that is representative of the French.

In France, wine is usually sold on the street.
French people often drink wine.
I think it is the secret of longevity.

French wine is developed for the traditional culture.
France's wine culture is based on the world of wine
France has a long history and the largest production
In addition to a variety of wine making.
Therefore, wines of France are the most loved.

So great grape farm! @.@~

Many many many wines !!!!

Another Typical of French food, cheese is. When people in Korea have a meal without kimchi is like an awkward In France, cheese is such a presence. In France, the production of cheese is about 400 In the kind of universal cheese camembert, brie, roquefort, comté and so on.


Many types of cheese ^ ^ There are many appetizing cheese.

In addition, the French food culture is very popular. Typical food isDaily food made into a movie "Ratatouille" Created by snail "escargot" made goose liver, "foie gras" !
AndKind of bread is "Crepe, croissant, baquette"

Ratatouille is nice ! ^^
healthy and well-being food ! and looks good on a diet ^^;;

My preference is not such a snail ......... -_-;;;;;
Does not feel much of an appetite ...

Foie gras is not to my taste, too I can not ever eat !!Cooking methods used in the breeding of geese is cruel.. ㅠㅠ

God !!!!!!!!!This is a real crepes! I want to eat...

I began to be hungry....... ^^;;


2010년 12월 9일 목요일

Location & Population & Weather Of France

France has kept the image of The middle of the Europe
as a country between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

France has kept the strong right to speak as th middle of the Europe by overcoming many hardships using the location and long history of them.

In the begining of 20th century, though the population stopped
and there was aging phenomenon.
The density of people in city is well difined, though the ctizens in Paris haveessened,
the population living in other places of capital area have increased.
The people who ocuppy on commercial career is being changed a lot.
France is changing their image as an agricultural country.
There are 2 millions of foreign laborer and tourists among 60 millions of people.

There are four seasons like Korea. France is under Meditteranean weather. It's dry in summer, it's rainy and wet in Winter, though it's not so cold.
There are subway called Metro, bus, taxi and outer city express train for transportation

A subway system in Paris is similar with Korean's and it's easy to be used to.
Many visitor from other countrise come see beautiful sites of France

p.s ^_^;;;
The time difference between France and Korea is 4 hours~!

so beautiful Weather !!! ^^♥

Culture Of France

When we meet the French, we always greet with cheek to cheek each oher.
It is a way of greeting which is named 'Bisous'.
We do that more if you are more closed with he/she.

The word'etiquette' was originated from France.
As it is, the French cherish Society and manner.

The traits of the French culture are variety and self-esteem.
It's been accepted in France such as ideas, fashion and the other countries cultures.
furthermore, they think their culture is superior themselves.

2010년 9월 28일 화요일

national flag of France

These picture is called "Le drapeau tricolore"

Blue color means "Freedom"
White color means "Equality"
Red color means "philanthropy"

1789 years, When the next day from the French revolution,
It orginate appointed commander in chief "Lafayette"
handing out to the citizen to the Cover color of the hat.
This national flag body forthing of the symbol of
national soveriengty knew to serveral countries of the world.
After that, Destroyed the completely royal authority, birthed the citizen country.

Famous tourist attraction of France

This is the "Eiffel Tower" !!!!


One of the most beautiful night views of cities is the Paris !!
and "La Tour Eiffel" ( = Eiffel Tower )  in at the center of it.

La Tour Eiffel is one of the most famouse building in the world.
That is the symbol in France Paris.
When build it, In for a flak was to destroy the Paris view
but It was remained and It used as the antenna tower.
However After the second World war, It is useing by the transmitting tower of TV.
The tower's height after build was most high height in the world for 40 years.
At night, it boasts of its beautiful glow with the Seine River in the neighborhood !!