2010년 9월 28일 화요일

national flag of France

These picture is called "Le drapeau tricolore"

Blue color means "Freedom"
White color means "Equality"
Red color means "philanthropy"

1789 years, When the next day from the French revolution,
It orginate appointed commander in chief "Lafayette"
handing out to the citizen to the Cover color of the hat.
This national flag body forthing of the symbol of
national soveriengty knew to serveral countries of the world.
After that, Destroyed the completely royal authority, birthed the citizen country.

Famous tourist attraction of France

This is the "Eiffel Tower" !!!!


One of the most beautiful night views of cities is the Paris !!
and "La Tour Eiffel" ( = Eiffel Tower )  in at the center of it.

La Tour Eiffel is one of the most famouse building in the world.
That is the symbol in France Paris.
When build it, In for a flak was to destroy the Paris view
but It was remained and It used as the antenna tower.
However After the second World war, It is useing by the transmitting tower of TV.
The tower's height after build was most high height in the world for 40 years.
At night, it boasts of its beautiful glow with the Seine River in the neighborhood !!

Fashion of France

These photo is called "haute couture" (= high fashion)
in paris!

These photo is Fench Street Fashion!

France is famous about fashion !
Paris of France's captain is pivot of the fashion and vogue in the world !!
but Franch are bothered free and comfortable individuality than the vogue.
so Fashion business world has been envolve "haute couture" of leading the vogue of the world.